Christ Our Savior Lutheran High School students go on mission trip

EVANSVILLE – Several students and two adults from the Christ Our Savior Lutheran High School in Evansville, Ill. recently traveled to Marianna, Florida for a week to help at Innovative Charities: a food pantry, a food distribution center and a thrift store.



Mission Trip participants were: (back row) Josh Wallace, Robert Rahlfs, Charlie Rahlfs, Alex Bixby, Isaac Luebkemann and Isaac Sims, (front row), Lisa Luebkemann, Lacee Liefer, Ellie Dawkins, Christine Liefer, Brianna Brake and the owners of Innovative Charities Shirly and Robert Arnold.


The nine students and two adults helped pass out food, bagged canned goods, hygiene items and medical supplies. They also helped reorganize storage units, fixed different items and helped move large quantities of meat from one location to another.


The group enjoyed an afternoon at Panama City beach and an afternoon on a catamaran to Shell Island. The group saw dolphins and sea urchins.


They attended Trinity Lutheran church in Panama City Sunday morning.